Azalea viscosum
Swamp Azalea (Deciduous Azalea)
This deciduous azalea blooms in summer. The abundant white flowers have a spicy, clove-like fragrance that fills the garden. The flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants grow into multi-stemmed shrubs that put on a show in fall with their flame red foliage.
- Beautiful white flowers
- Native
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Thrives in poorly-drained soil and wetland areas
- Blooms late
- Deciduous
- Lustrous green foliage
- Great fall color
- Hardy
- Category:
Broad-leaf Evergreen
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Height: 8-10 ft
- Spread: 6-8 ft
- Bloom Color:
White Shades
- Foliage Color:
Green Shades
Purchase options for Swamp Azalea (Deciduous Azalea)
#2 12-15"
In Stock
Besides Clethra, there is no other plant that you will notice more when it’s in bloom than this Azalea. This deciduous native blooms from mid-June well into July with a generous supply of white to pink colored flowers that exude a heavenly sweet, space filling scent. Flowers are not this plant’s only claim to fame as it also puts on a great show of reddish-orange fall foliage color. Perfect for grouping at the edge of wooded areas, viscosum tolerates open shaded areas and a fair amount of soil moisture with ease, making it valuable for other landscape spots while it specializes in attracting many native butterflies in the American Beauties landscape.