Weigela florida 'Sonic Bloom® Punch'

reblooming weigela

  • Rich punch-pink coloring
  • Reblooms through late summer and into fall
  • Super compact
  • Foliage interest

Proven Winners

Purchase options for reblooming weigela

  • Size: 3 Gallon
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: Online


Success Starts With Soil

If you’re a multitasker, you’re going to love a Sonic Bloom® Punch weigela. This little plant manages to do quite a lot all at once. Its blooms are a rich punch-pink color and absolutely cover the foliage in the springtime. It takes a brief rest in early summer and reblooms through late summer and into fall. When blooms aren’t obscuring its foliage, you’ll see it has a pretty bronze tint. Dress up the middle of your border with this prolific bloomer!

Border or Bed
Great Foliage
Long Blooming
Foliage Color
Maintenance and Care
Mass Planting
Critter Resistance
Deer Resistant
Flower Color
Proven Winners
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Late Summer
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Average Water
Moist, Well-Drained
Growing Tips for Weigela florida 'Sonic Bloom® Punch'

Prefers well-drained soils but is extremely adaptable to other soil types. Pruning is best done immediately after flowering; little pruning is needed. Medium moisture. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees & shrubs. Follow the label for recommended rate of application.