Thermopsis villosa
- Bright yellow flowers
- Attracts butterflies
- Easy to grow
- Great for wildflower gardens
- Deer resistant
- Low Maintenance
- Good cut flower
- Category:
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Height: 3-5 ft
- Spread: 2-3 ft
- Bloom Color:
Yellow Shades
- Foliage Color:
Green Shades
Purchase options for Carolina Lupine
#1 -
Sheared and/or Dormant
In Stock
As much shrub-like as perennial, you will be hard pressed to find a more attention grabbing plant when it is in bloom. Carolina Lupine rises from the ground each spring on stiff, strong, very upright stems that grow quickly while unfurling big, grey-green, trifoliate, pea-like foliage, ultimately producing a nearly woody upright shrub. As spring turns to summer, each stem is topped by a tower of buds that open in July revealing a long string of large, Lupine-like hooded flowers of searing yellow that jump out at you against its grey-green foliage background. What an amazing show of color that will be enjoyed by you and by local butterflies and bees. As flowers fade in late July, sizable hairy seeds pods develop that songbirds visit often. Carolina Lupine is an easy care wonder wanting little except sun, well-drained soil and a spot that it can shine! Its big size is perfect for the back of the garden and it's a revelation of summer interest when grouped.