Pepper 'Ancho Poblano'

Ancho Poblano Hot Pepper

  • Hot poblano chile pepper
  • 68-88 days to harvest
  • Mildly hot flavor
  • 4" long borne in great numbers on this sturdy, upright plant
  • Mature from green to red
  • Great fresh or dried

Goodness Grows Edibles

Purchase options for Ancho Poblano Hot Pepper

  • Size: 1 Gallon -
  • Status:
  • Availability: Online


Success Starts With Soil

Many of our native Mexican staff members have been urging us for years to grow this versatile, tasty Chile that is a staple of their diet. I don't know what took us so long, but it's easy to see why this Pepper is so popular. These mildly hot, tasty, 4 long fruits are borne in great numbers on a sturdy, upright growing plant and mature
from green to red in approximately 65 days from trans plant. What makes this fruit so special besides the outstanding flavor is its ability to be used in so many ways ? from stuffing to drying and especially for use in rellenos and mole. Called Poblano when fresh or Ancho when dried, no matter what its name, you'll call it yummy!

Goodness Grows Edibles
Growing Tips for Pepper 'Ancho Poblano'

Plant in full sun, average to well-drained garden soil.