Malus 'Red Splendor'
flowering crabapple
- Bright pink flowers in spring
- Attracts birds
- The fruit persists on the tree
- Category: Tree
- Hardiness Zone: 3-7
- Height: 20-25 ft
- Spread: 20-25 ft
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades
- Foliage Color: Green Shades
Purchase options for flowering crabapple
- Size: #7 6-7'
- Status: BeautiFULL
- Availability: In Stock
- Size: #15 8-10'
- Status: BeautiFULL
- Availability: In Stock
Litter is not a problem with this crab, developed by Melvin Bergeson of Fertile, Minnesota, as the small bright red fruit never falls. The fruit does make excellent food for wildlife. The foliage is glossy reddish-green, turning reddish-purple in fall.
Growing Tips for Malus 'Red Splendor'
Plant in full sun and water occasionally once it is established. Prune as needed in late winter.