Malus 'Pink Lady'

Pink Lady Apple

  • No Pollinator Needed!
  • Pink blush over a base of pale green
  • Fruit is creamy yellow, dense and juicy
  • Long shelf life
  • Semi-dwarf with crisp fruits
  • Produces 3rd year fruit
  • Perfect fresh or used in cooking.

Purchase options for Pink Lady Apple

  • Size: 7 Gallon 7-8'
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: Online


Success Starts With Soil

Pink Lady® Apple is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Lady Williams, and sports a pink blush over a base of pale greenish yellow. Fruit is creamy yellow, dense and juicy with a subtle aroma of pear, melon and cider. Long shelf life for these crisp fruits. Semi-dwarf and self-pollinating. Produces 3rd year fruit which are perfect fresh or used in cooking.

Full Sun
Growing Tips for Malus 'Pink Lady'

Thrives in full sun. Feed yearly with an organic fertilizer. Like all fruit trees, it is best to prune in late winter to remove crossing branches and promote good airflow to encourage fruiting.