Juniperus 'Blue Arrow'

Blue Arrow Red Cedar

  • Tall, very narrow form
  • Blue-green foliage
  • Drought tolerant
  • Up to 15 ft tall and 2 ft wide
  • Deer resistant
  • Salt tolerant

American Beauties Native Plants

Purchase options for Blue Arrow Red Cedar

  • Size: #3 24-30"
  • Status: BeautiFULL
  • Availability: In Stock


Success Starts With Soil

Blue Arrow is one of those great "plant it and forget it" plants even though its outstanding blue-green foliage and memorable tall, very narrow form will make it hard to forget! The natural oils it produces protects it from drought making this tough plant a sure bet as a hedge or privacy screen in even the roughest, driest soil or in hot, sunny areas. 'Blue Arrow' grows up to 15 feet tall and an amazing 2 feet wide making it perfect for a narrow screen where space is limited and its precise, upright form makes it an easy fit for formal garden use. Even better, 'Blue Arrow's' bright blue to dark green foliage is deer resistant and can tolerate seashore salt and road salt conditions. Easy care and great looking…it would be great if all plants were this easy!

Foliage Color
Dark Green
Maintenance and Care
Drought Tolerant
Salt Tolerant
Critter Resistance
Deer Resistant
Growing Tips for Juniperus 'Blue Arrow'

Plant in full to partial sun. Prune in early spring before new growth begins. Do not prune beyond where green growth is; avoid shearing.