Gleditsia triacanthos ''Shademaster''

Shademaster Thornless Honey Locust

  • Thornless and seedless
  • Easy to grow
  • Tolerant of wind, high heat, drought, and air pollution
  • Deer resistant

Purchase options for Shademaster Thornless Honey Locust

  • Size: #15 7-8'
  • Status: BeautiFULL
  • Availability: In Stock


Thornless and fruitless, Shademaster makes an excellent easy-care street tree. The leaves are small enough they tend to just blow way in the fall meaningless fall cleanup! Attractive dark green foliage turns a clean yellow as the weather cools.

Foliage Color
Maintenance and Care
Drought Tolerant
Heat Tolerant
Low Maintenance
Critter Resistance
Deer Resistant
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Moist, Well-Drained
Growing Tips for Gleditsia triacanthos ''Shademaster''

Best grown in moist, well-drained soils in full sun, although it can tolerate a wide range of soils.