Cornus florida
White Flowering Dogwood
- Gorgeous white blossoms in the spring
- Red berries
- Attracts birds
- Average sized tree
- Category: Tree
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 15-25 ft
- Spread: 15-25 ft
- Bloom Color: White Shades
- Foliage Color: Green Shades
Purchase options for White Flowering Dogwood
- Size: 3 Gallon 36-42"
- Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
- Availability: Online
- Size: 3 Gallon 4-5'
- Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
- Availability: Online
- Size: 7 Gallon 5-6`
- Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
- Availability: Online
Success Starts With Soil
Fafard Premium Natural & Organic Compost
Add To CartHundreds of varieties of Dogwood are available out on the market but few match the simple majesty of the original species. With its globular, spreading canopy and its late April to early May show of pure white bracts, its beauty and essential nature to the eastern landscape is unquestioned. Like all things so beautiful, we have tended to plant it in wrong locations where stress and resulting disease have rendered it less popular than many of the new varieties. White Dogwood will still be an unmatched specimen in a morning sun, afternoon shade spot or along a woodline as hot, beating, full sun takes its toll on this selection that birds love as much as we do with it nesting cover and red fall fruit that is a bird delicacy. The red fruit against the purple fall foliage is a show only slightly less majestic than its spring bloom.
Growing Tips for Cornus florida
Grow in medium moisture, well-drained soil. Plant in partial shade. Adding mulch will keep the roots cool in the summer heat.