Carpinus betulus ''Frans Fontaine''
Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam
- Tall and narrow habit
- Perfect for small spaces
- Golden autumn color
- Drought tolerant once established
- Poor soil tolerant
- Great for urban settings
- Category: Tree
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 30-35 ft
- Spread: 10-15 ft
- Bloom Color: Green Shades
- Foliage Color: Green Shades
Purchase options for Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam
- Size: #7 8-10'
- Status: BeautiFULL
- Availability: In Stock
- Size: #15 10-12'
- Status: BeautiFULL
- Availability: In Stock
- Size: #20 GB 7-8'
- Status: BeautiFULL
- Availability: In Stock
Bred for height with outstanding columnar appeal, 'Frans Fontaine' is the best yet, maintaining its narrow habit well into maturity and providing stunning golden color in autumn. Its superb drought resistance, tolerance of even the poorest of soils, and small footprint makes it an excellent selection for urban settings.
Growing Tips for Carpinus betulus ''Frans Fontaine''
Grows well in full sun or light to deep shade, even in sandy or clay soils as long as the area is well-drained.