Andropogon gerardii
- Brilliant copper-red fall color
- Provides good food and nesting for many birds
- Superb for mass planting and erosion control
- Fast growing and drought tolerant
- Seed heads dry well for cut flower arrangements
- Category:
Ornamental Grass
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 4-6 ft
- Spread: 2-3 ft
- Foliage Color:
Green Shades,
Red Shades
Purchase options for Big Bluestem
#1 -
Sheared and/or Dormant
In Stock
Big Bluestem is a clumping, strongly upright growing grass that makes a great tall backdrop in any perennial landscape. It's breathtaking in mass plantings, with its thin foliaged texture and its striking orange to red fall color. Strong rooting and easy care make it excellent for erosion control.