Helleborus 'Frostkiss® Molly's White'
Molly's White Lenten Rose
- First perennial to bloom in spring
- Large white flowers
- Blooms later than other Hellebores, Feb. to April
- Tough and easy to grow
- Perfect for the woodland garden
- Bred by Rodney Davey
- Category: Perennial
- Patent: PP25,685
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 20-24 in
- Spread: 20-24 in
- Bloom Color: White Shades
- Foliage Color: Green Shades
Purchase options for Molly's White Lenten Rose
- Size: #1 -
- Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
- Availability: In Stock
Clean white blooms are large and in mass on this hybrid Lenten Rose backed with gorgeous silvery-green marbled foliage. Molly's White will brighten the partially shaded garden and will slowly naturalize. Like all of the Frostkiss® Hellebores, the evergreen foliage is attractive year round and the beautiful early spring blooms are early compared to other perennials but compared to other Hellebore they are one of the last to bloom, making this series a favorite for the shaded landscape!
Growing Tips for Helleborus 'Frostkiss® Molly's White'
Thrives in partial to full shade. Feed yearly with an organic fertilizer. Little pruning needed except to clean off damaged evergreen foliage in spring once new foliage emerges.