Tomato Heirloom Marriage™ ''Cherokee Carbon' (Slicer)'

Cherokee Carbon Tomato

  • Hybrid variety
  • 75-80 days to maturity
  • Large 10-12oz. fruit
  • Robust purple color
  • Perfect for slicing

Goodness Grows Edibles

Purchase options for Cherokee Carbon Tomato

  • Size: 1 Gallon -
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: Online


Success Starts With Soil

Great color and great taste are the calling cards for this cross of heirlooms Cherokee Purple and Carbon that produces a dark, dusky, beefy juicy 23wTomato that you'll never seem to have enough of! Big 14 oz fruit will be a garden thriller!

Goodness Grows Edibles
Growing Tips for Tomato Heirloom Marriage™ ''Cherokee Carbon' (Slicer)'

Plant in a sunny, well-drained soil. Water regularly through the growing season. Tomatoes are heavy feeders. Be sure to use a good tomato fertilizer at the rate shown on the package