Pinus strobus ''Tiny Kurls''
eastern white pine (Contorted Dwarf Eastern White Pine)
- Good specimen plant for smaller gardens
- Give unique texture effect in mass plantings
- More interesting presentation than many other dwarf pines
- Short twisted needles
- Category:
- Alternate Cultivar: 'Tiny Curls'
- Hardiness Zone: 3-6
- Height: 3-6 ft
- Spread: 4-10 ft
- Bloom Color:
- Foliage Color:
Green Shades
Purchase options for eastern white pine (Contorted Dwarf Eastern White Pine)
#2 12-15"
Sheared and/or Dormant
In Stock
Dwarf, oval shaped evergreen shrub similar to 'Torulosa' but slower growing and more compact. Short, curly, blue-green needles give this plant a unique texture as a specimen in smaller gardens