Pinus strobus 'Shaggy Dog'

Shaggy Dog Eastern White Pine

  • Low, irregular, and half-upright
  • Spreading
  • Long-needled and unruly branches
  • More relaxed and airy than other varieties

Purchase options for Shaggy Dog Eastern White Pine

  • Size: #2 12-15"
  • Status: BeautiFULL
  • Availability: In Stock


Famous for his groundbreaking work with dwarf White Pines from witch's brooms, the late Sid Waxman from the University of Connecticut introduced this low, irregular, half-upright spreader with long needled, unruly branches in 1993. This new favorite breaks the mold of many of his dense, tight, inpenetrable selections to give us a more open, highly textured plant that is more relaxed, free-form and airy. This sweet textured beauty is perfect for a large location where it can look its 'Shaggy Dog' best, anchoring any sunny, well drained location by growing into a spectacularly different, year round beautiful specimen.

Foliage Color
Full Sun