Panicum virgatum ''Northwind''
- Tall, narrow, upright, wide-bladed grass
- Easy to grow
- Dark, olive-green foliage
- Able to thrive in many soils
- Great for groups
- Flower panicles in summer
- Attracts birds
- Native
- Category:
Ornamental Grass,
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 5-6 ft
- Spread: 2-3 ft
- Bloom Color:
Green Shades
Purchase options for upright switchgrass
#2 -
Sheared and/or Dormant
In Stock
Make a strong landscape statement with this tall, easy to grow, narrow, upright, wide bladed grass that is bound to be noticed wherever you plant it. Dark, olive-green foliage with just a hint of powdery blue add to this plant's mystique as does its ability to thrive in so many soils from poor, sandy, droughty ones to moist, well-drained fertile ones. It makes a stunning display in groups and looks even better in summer as stalks form and hold showy, upright flower panicles above the foliage for all to see, including colorful birds who look forward to the ample seed this selection provides. This plant is exclusively offered to American Beauty program buyers!