Hemerocallis ''Handwriting on the Wall''

Handwriting on the Wall Daylily

  • Long blooming and reblooming with tons of mid-summer through early fall color
  • Easy to grow with a compact form
  • Drought and salt tolerant
  • Spectacular when grouped in the landscape

Purchase options for Handwriting on the Wall Daylily

  • Size: #1 -
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: In Stock


Tough, tolerant, and oh so beautiful, this compact selection gives rise to strong flower stalks in July that open to reveal huge, triangular, peach-colored flowers each with a brilliant purple eye and golden yellow throat. Easy to grow, it offers a long season of bloom and great flower fragrance.

Long Blooming
Foliage Color
Maintenance and Care
Drought Tolerant
Salt Tolerant
Flower Color
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Late Spring
Early Summer
Summer Bloomer
Soil Moisture
Moist, Well-Drained
Growing Tips for Hemerocallis ''Handwriting on the Wall''

Plant in full to part sun in well-drained soil. Fertilize regularly during blooming; cut spent flowers to the base of the stem to promote flowering.