Delphinium ''Cobalt Dreams''

Cobalt Dreams Larkspur

  • Perfect for cutting and arrangements
  • Deer resistant!

Purchase options for Cobalt Dreams Larkspur

  • Size: 2 Gallon -
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: Online


Success Starts With Soil

Strong, rigidly upright stems are topped with huge towers of buds that open in mid-June bearing deep blue flowers that are as spectacular as they are plentiful.  An incredible color show for any garden back in the landscape! Spectacular backing plant in the early summer garden. Perfect for cutting and arrangements. Bold, brilliant color on deer-resistant plants. Outstanding when grouped!

Cut Flower/Foliage
Critter Resistance
Deer Resistant
Growing Tips for Delphinium ''Cobalt Dreams''

Thrives in full sun.  Feed yearly with an organic fertilizer. Cut back spent flowers after blooming.  Cut back to ground level after a hard freeze in late fall. Stake stems when the plant is in bloom if needed.

Great Companions for Cobalt Dreams Larkspur