Showpiece™ Fragrant Shrub Roses
NEW from the world-famous breeder of the Flower Carpet® ground cover roses comes a whole new series of fabulous roses – the Showpiece™ FRAGRANT SHRUB rose series.
These SHRUB roses are large-bloomed, beautifully fragrant with a glorious old-world look – but with all the benefits of modern disease resistance – thanks to expert plant breeding. There are several lovely colored varieties in the Showpiece roses range, each as bewitching as the other.
As if being beautiful and easy to grow weren’t enough, Showpiece shrub roses are also deliciously perfumed. Breathe one in and you’ll be smiling.
The Showpiece FRAGRANT SHRUB roses produce a beautiful show of color in either pots or planted throughout the garden in any sunny position.
Perfect for cutting for bringing inside too.